Excerpts From: The Messenger |
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Give thanks with a grateful heart
Being at the right place in the right time
"The word of God shall never come back void." Isaiah 55:11
How God touches others' lives. In the 1800s a preacher prepared a
wonderful sermon he had intended for many men to hear to encourage them to give
their lives to Christ. He arrived at church very enthusiastically and was
disappointed when he looked at the pews and only seven or eight women were
there to listen to him. He went on anyway. Little did he know there was a young
boy of about 8 to 10 years who listened to him that day was moved by his
message. This young boy grew up and became a pastor and served as a missionary
in Africa for many, many years. This young boy was David Livingstone. This is
how God impacts our lives.
Yes! God does have ways of impacting each and every one of our lives and
this brings me to this: I would like to share a unique story with you about one
of my parishioners who was in Denmark recently. It all began about five years
ago when I asked several Danes with connection to friends and church
organizations in Denmark to secure me a Danish preaching robe known as "Dansk
Præstekjole." I yearned to wear one of those robes. But the result had always
been negative, as this type of robe is quite expensive, even a used one. There
was no way I could afford that (we are looking at about 15,000 Danish kroner or
$3,000 Canadian and more).
Well, all hopes were gone, until June this year when Hanne and
Svend were going to Denmark so I asked them to kick the can one more time.
Svend took it upon himself and called friends and organizations as he
thought that might be able to help. He searched the internet for a used "Dansk
Præstekjole" to no avail. Meanwhile Hanne was in Kolding having a good time
visiting her family and friends. She was invited one evening by one of her
friends to attend the Danish Lutheran church abroad's annual meeting being held
in one of the churches in Kolding.
She felt a bit out place, she daid, as St. Ansgar's in Montreal is not
affiliated with the Danish Lutheran church abroad, but went anyway, hoping to
gain some experience in church politics. After the meeting was over and the
people were enjoying their coffee and refreshments, Hanne seized the
opportunity to inquire about the Dansk Præstkjole. She spoke to some of the
pastors in attendance about her request, but they were not encouraging. Some
did not think St. Ansgar's should use such a preaching robe anyway and were not
so helpful.
Hanne is unequivocally a person with strong determination. While she was sipping her coffee slowly, she spotted Biskop Niels Henrik Arendt of Haderslev
in the corner of her eyes and dashed toward him with a similar request. "I am
looking for a Dansk Præstekjole for my pastor in Canada and a used one will do
just fine because we can't afford a new one." Bishop Niels Arendt paused for a
moment, sipped his coffee and then asked what our pastor's height and size
were. And as the story goes, the rest was history.
Hanne was in the right place at the right time and spoke to the right
person. Biskop Niels Arendt had a used one, almost like new, at his Haderslev
Stift and was willing to give it to St. Ansgar without a krone in exchange. She
was so excited and got in touch with Svend, who was then in the Ringkøbing area
and told him the story and asked if he could travel to Haderslev and pick up
the "Dansk Præstekjole" which he did and brought it back with him to St. Ansgar.
It was kept secret for a surprise and it really worked. I felt like I was
in third heaven when I found out we secured a Dansk Præstekjole. Many thanks to
you, Hanne, Svend and Biskop Niels Arendt for your courageous acts. I
really cherish what the Dansk Præstekjole means, an identity with the culture
in Montreal.
We can walk freely in our calling when we understand what God has given
us. If we strive to walk in a role He never gives us, it will result in
frustration and failure. God wants to reveal His plan to us by His Spirit. This
requires a willingness to seek and accept what He gives. It may be different
from what we thought.
It may require adjustments to follow His path for our lives. As we learn
from the life of Jesus Christ we will become like him. The summer has drawn to
an end and we are back to our normal schedules. Have we learned life's lesson
of gratitude? I hope we all did. Therefore we give thanks to God with a
grateful heart for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us and will continue
to give.
"Thank you for the grace you have shown to us, and help us to
mirror your grace to others."
God is Good, God richly bless and keep you in
Pastor Samuel King-Kabu
Web Page prepared by:
Roger Kenner
& Jette Blair.
Content-New Topics Last Updated: 2003/11/18
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal