Excerpts From: The Messenger |
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"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."
(Joshua 24:15)
The Tenth Biennial Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada will convene in Winnipeg, Manitoba July 21-24, 2005. On the agenda for this National convention is a resolution that supports homo-erotic blessing. I must admit, up until now, I have kept relatively silent on this issue. Many things are happening in the Canadian Lutheran Church. Those of us who are of a biblical, conservative persuasion in the ELCIC are painfully aware that we are facing a time like never before, as our beloved Lutheran denomination will be deciding on whether to allow homo-erotic blessing of lesbian and gay unions.
While homo-erotic unions form a topic drawing a variety of opinions in society, we as Christians are blessed with explicit guidance on this issue.
I think it is safe to say that no matter what happens our church will never be the same. No more would we, as a denomination, be sitting on the fence.
The question that should be asked: Does this church accept homo-erotic relationships as being in keeping with God's will for humankind? The issue is very clear for me, because the Bible, universally, does not speak positively about homo-erotic behavior as an alternative to God's plan for sexual intimacy in a traditional marriage of a woman and a man.
I am very much aware, and it saddens me, that we live in a culture that seeks to legitimize sin, even to the point where we reward bad behaviour as the people turn away from a loving God. On the other hand, as Christians, this is not a time for judgment, or a mud-slinging contest. I believe it calls us to search our hearts, to deep reflection, and a humble repentance, as we seek Gods guidance and direction in such an important issue.
Homo-erotic blessing is just the tip of the iceberg, I think. I believe if we had been more faithful to God's Word in the previous decades, our culture, let alone our church would never have gotten to this point. A good friend of mine calls this the 'cafeteria-Christians' mindset that we pick what we like and leave the rest. Referring to the Scripture.
But one thing I must say, I do thank God that this 'crisis' has brought out the best and maybe not the best out of all of us. People are talking, studying, and praying in Lutheran congregations across the land. It is my prayer and hope that the Holy Spirit will bring some revival in the midst of this crisis. I would encourage you to continue to pray for the ELCIC and its leaders for wisdom and understanding as they try to bridge the vast opinions within the Lutheran Church.
The pathway to God is not found by fear, or despair. It is simply found in those words we have all learned in Sunday School, 'Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.' Simple trust and simple faith. 'Trust in the Lord, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all you do, and He shall direct your path.' The key is understanding God's great loving nature and how much he loves us, so much that God did not withhold his only begotten Son from us, BUT sent him to die for us. When we understand that, then our service to him will be with joy. This is the attitude of the heart that will bring us home to God.
Only 'if my people' will believe this. God's peace be with you all.
Your friend and pastor,
Pastor Samuel K King-Kabu.
The following is the news release from the National Church Council, which contains the resolution that will be presented at this year's convention.
Resolution on Same Sex Blessings
That the ELCIC acknowledge the inadequacy of sections of Sex, Marriage and Family, A Social Statement of the Lutheran Church in America, 1970, referring to homosexuality and homosexual behaviour in light of developing theological, pastoral and sociological scholarship and that the ELCIC suspend the application of those references.
That the ELCIC allow pastors to perform blessings for same sex couples who want to make a life-long commitment to one another in the presence of God and their community of faith. Authorization to perform such blessings shall require the consent of the pastor, the consent of the congregation or calling agency as expressed by a 2/3 majority vote at a duly called meeting, and consultation with the synodical bishop. These blessings shall use a rite authorized by this church.
That the ELCIC's Program Committee for Worship be requested to develop a provisional rite for the blessing of same sex couples in committed relationships.
Background Statement
In recent years there has been considerable discussion across Canada regarding the question of blessing same sex unions. During the past year the National Church Council (NCC) has encouraged church-wide study with the hope of developing an appropriate response. As a result of that process, some observations can be made:
Web Page prepared by:
Roger Kenner
& Jette Blair.
Content-New Topics Last Updated: 2005/11/09
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal