Excerpts From: The Messenger |
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All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them (Acts 2:1-21)
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:4)
For the next few months our Bible study group will be exploring the Book of Acts. It is a fascinating Book which describes the works of the Holy Spirit in the life of the early Christians. The Book of Acts gives details of how the Christians pulled their resources together for the common good of the gospel of Christ.
Have you ever tried to do anything that you were not gifted to do? I am not a computer or electronic wizard or a gifted musician. God has not given me any of these "natural" gifts. On the other hand I consider myself as a gifted ?fix it or assemble ?almost? anything man?. It comes naturally to me, and I love it, and use it to save some service calls, and also to help my neighbours.
I appreciate the gifts God has given to each of us. These differences have created a need for one another. God wants each of us to need one another. The Scriptures describes the Body of Christ in the same way. Each person is a member of His Body with gifts and talents designed to make His Body perform as a multi-talented group, all playing to the same tune.
I would say it is like playing in an orchestra, when one member is "out of tune" or decides he/she doesn't like his/her part, or decides to do something he/she is not designed to do that the orchestra begins to sound off key. Imagine if the parts of the human body decided they didn't want to fulfill their parts any longer. That body would no longer function effectively because one or more of its members were not performing the functions they were designed for.
I am always overjoyed to see how members and friends of St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church pull together during special occasions in the Church, such as our Annual Rummage Sale, Bazaar, and Spring Lunch, and now our newest the ?silent auction?. This past weekend was great as we saw faces at our Annual Spring Lunch. Hectic, exciting, busy and tiring? yes to all of that.
As I observe the congregation each person gives his/her best to make these occasions successful. To me, the most important thing is the spirit of working together as a community of believers as witnesses to the world for the goodness of God. Therefore, I personally would like to take this opportunity and thank everyone who contributed to the success of our Spring Luncheon. The congregation together with Church council is currently looking into ways that St. Ansgar?s can be relevant in our ministry to the community. God is alive and his Spirit is moving all over the world.
Therefore, there is no room for pessimism in God's kingdom so far as God?s work is concern. God blesses those who trust and rely on him. As small as we are, the energy generated is the sign of true witness of God?s spirit among us and the power of the resurrected Christ - A gift given to us from above. Let us build on that by standing firm and focusing for a bright future, always looking at the cup half full after all it not about us, it is about God's Church.
God has called each and every one of us to play in God's orchestra and each instrument is very important. When one link in the chain is weakened, the whole chain is susceptible to breaking. God made it that way so that we could help that weak link. God made it that way so we would be forced to depend on one another. Remember you are most important link in the chain great or small. This is the gift and power of the resurrected.
I would like to leave you with three important elements that occur in Worship (when we gather together in our sanctuary).Some of us build, some are teachers, some can sing like angels. But all of us can love like God loved us pure, and simple with our serving hands. Throughout Scripture God chose simple people to be His hands, feet, mouth and eyes from the great to the least. God can also use you and I. God is not looking for the greatest ability, but our availability. ARE our hands, feet, mouth and eyes available?
This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Wherever you may be always take the time and reflect on the goodness of God. Take care and God richly bless and keep you in his peace.
Best wishes from your friend and pastor,
Pastor Samuel King-Kabu
Web Page prepared by:
Roger Kenner
& Jette Blair.
Content-New Topics Last Updated: 2012/05/15
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal