Excerpts From: The Messenger |
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Adelante! Adelante! - Onward! Onward!
Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:12-14.
Three days before reaching the New World, the crew begged him to turn back, fearing if they went farther they couldn't catch enough wind to return to Spain before running out of food and water. But Christopher Columbus had one word for his faltering sailors: Adelante! Adelante! - Onward! Onward!
The Christian life is a life of discovery. On this journey there are twists and turns, victories and defeats, and many stop shorts, thus the Christian life can become stale, stagnant, and discouraging. And at times it feels as if we're like guests in an immense palace who have keys to every room, but venture no farther than the entrance hall.
But how do we rediscover the great adventure of Christian living? How do we find the lost path to spiritual renewal? There are no easy 1,2,3 answers. On the other hand, I believe the answer to the question lies in cultivating a sense of wonder that is imbedded in the Character of God. Knowing the character of God is the first step, because out of that knowledge come the attributes that strengthens the Christian life. It is God?s will to reveal more of Himself to any one who is willing and open to learn of God.
For example: When was the last time you noticed the rose blooming by the fence? The beautiful sky on a clear and moonless night? When was the last time you stood amazed in the presence of Jesus Christ? When was the last time you stopped and gave thanks for the littlest things in life? There's more to Christianity than you and I have thus far experienced, more to the character of God than we've learned, and more to the Bible than we've discovered so far.
Adelante! Adelante! Adelante! "I press on, I press on "said the apostle Paul to the Christians in Phillippi. "Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:12- 14). In one of Jesus? teachings about discipleship: He extended calls to people to come and follow him, but some came up with excuses. Jesus concluded that ?No one who puts his / her hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God? (Luke 9:62) .
Besides cultivating a sense of wonder, we need to cultivate our spiritual curiosity, and stay fresh. Look for new discoveries every day in God?s Word, and enjoy God?s goodness, grace, and mercies which are new every morning. Ask God to show you new things in His Word. Like the Psalmist who prayed, "Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from your Law" (Psalm 119:18). There are more insights in familiar passages still waiting to be uncovered? Just Adelante! Adelante!
The Bible is simple, yet deep, and unchanging. But our understanding of its? message and its? application to our lives is a process of daily discovery that rivals any exploration in history. In my journey as a Bible student I have learned to have a "wide-eye? (an eagle eye so to say) in the midst of the wonders of God. The truth that has stuck to me over the years is that: ?When we make God shallow, we become shallow, when we make God cheap, we become cheap.?
When we struggle with faith issues and doubts, or have trouble with a loved one, a bad report from the doctor, or a crisis at work- God usually enlarges our hearts, our spirits and we learn new dimensions of God?s faithfulness to us and new lessons about our walk of faith. In such situations, when there is nothing left but God; that is, when we find out God is all that we need. God is infinite. His wisdom is limitless (God?s character), and we don't grow up in Christ in a day. His ways are deep and wonderful, and it takes years of prayerful experience to search them out. Every day we should be making more discoveries and discovering new mercies.
The evening of October 20, 2012, St. Ansgar?s celebrated its 85th anniversary as a congregation in Montreal. Beck hall (our parish hall) was filled to its? capacity with members and friends from far and near, excellent food, music, and great fellowship. We concluded the celebration on Sunday with an inspiring worship service. The Montreal German choir and our own choir, Maren Nelson, professional singer ministered to us with special music. Rev. Susan Climo inspired us with an uplifting sermon to be faithful disciples of Christ Jesus. For 85 years in Mission for others, oh yes!
What an opportunity to thank God, with cheerful hearts and learn to press on to the higher goal of servitude in Christ Jesus. I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to each and every one of you who worked so hard to make this celebration so successful. What a great team work! Once again, a big thanks to you all.
We must keep all the good memories, but we can?t live in the past. Let us dream new dreams ?.. The character of God intends for us to be like rivers, fresh and flowing, ever growing, never stagnant. Fresh and clean rivers where the weary and thirsty soul would stoop down and have a drink. God wants us to press on, to keep the wonder, and to think of our life in Christ as a Great Adventure.
God is at work: bending, breaking, molding, and doing exactly as He chooses. And why is He doing it? He is doing it for only one purpose? that He may be able to say, ?This is my man, and this is my woman.? We have to be in God?s hand so that He can place others on the Rock, Jesus Christ, just as He has placed us.
So, as we journey on to our next anniversary, may we be the church where people would walk in our doors: some for water baptism, affirmation of faith, others for marriage, others for funerals of loved ones, others with broken spirits, mind, and body. May we be the place where they will all find healing and wholeness in our midst as they are embraced with love and acceptance.
I say to you all Adelante! Adelante! Adelante! Onward, Onward we press on for God is with us. God's peace be with you all.
Best wishes from your friend and pastor,
Pastor Samuel King-Kabu
Web Page prepared by:
Roger Kenner
& Jette Blair.
Content-New Topics Last Updated: 2014/02/28
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal