Excerpts From: The Messenger |
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What Is In Your Hand?
“What is that in your hand?” “A staff” he replied. (Exodus 4:2 NIV)
What is in your hand… has been running through my mind lately. God will start with what is in your hand even when it seems menial and insignificant. “What is in your hand, Moses?” This was God’s response to Moses’ ample excuses about why he was not qualified to lead Israel out of slavery to Egypt. The wisdom of the statement God spoke to Moses at the burning bush can still speak to us today.
Can you imagine what must have gone through Moses’ mind in that moment? After all, a staff is nothing more than a glorified stick! How was it going to make an impact in Pharaoh’s court? There is nothing extraordinary about a staff. But understand this: the common becomes mighty when God anoints it.
Offer unto God what He has placed in your hand. “What is in your hand” means whatever is in your care or control. This could be money, possessions, influence, talents, abilities, and more. What you withhold and retain in your hand reveals what is in your heart. Child of God, release what you hold. Your Father is waiting to use what He has placed in your hands. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus. (Acts 4:30 NIV)
Samson had a donkey jawbone to slay a thousand men. Ruth had grain gleaned from the field. David had his sling and stones to defeat the mighty giant. The unnamed boy had his lunch: five loaves and two fishes. The woman had an alabaster jar filled with oil to anoint Jesus. We all have something in our hands that is so dear to us.
As we release what is in our hands, God releases what is in His! God is ready and willing to anoint what is in your hands. We can only experience peace and the miracle of God’s anointing by releasing what is in our hands.
If you are not sure then please pray with me: Lord Jesus, show me what is in my hand. I am ready to release it to you. I will do whatever you would have me do with my life. I want to make a difference in the world today. Reveal the power of what is in my hand so I can be an answer to the problems that surround me. Anoint what I carry and help me fight with what I already possess. Amen.
Best summer wishes,
Your friend and pastor,
Rev. Samuel King-Kabu
Web Page prepared by:
Roger Kenner & Jette Blair.
Content-New Topics Last Updated: 2016/06/02
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal