Excerpts From: The Messenger |
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Purposeful Acts of Kindness
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Eph.4:32)
Have you ever talked about ways you can be a blessing to others? I would venture to say that many have never done this, and until a few years, I hadn’t either. Now, I get excited when I purposely think and talk about ways to help someone else. There won’t be a Love Revolution if we don’t do things on purpose to help others. We must have goals and press toward meeting them.
Once I became determined to make loving others the theme of my life, I hungered for a variety of ways to show love. Love is not a theory or merely talk; it is action as see in (1 John 3:18 http://bible.us/1john3.18.amp). We can certainly love people with words that encourage and express how valuable we think they are, but we also need to use our resources of time, energy, possessions, and finances to love others.
Somehow kindness has become a lost commodity in society. But if you are a follower of Jesus, then kindness has to be what you dish out on a regular basis. After all, Paul wrote, “Be kind to one to another, tender hearted” (Eph. 4:32 (http://biblia.com/bible/esv/Eph 4.32). And, it needs to be noted, kindness makes the list as a fruit of the Spirit in Gal. 5:22 (http://biblia.com/bible/esv/Gal 5.22) . Kindness is about thinking of others and extending our love and resources to meet their needs and concerns.
But, in case you’re thinking, Right, but what about me? Prov. 11:17 (http://biblia.com/bible/esv/Prov 11.17) offers a fascinating twist on kindness. It says, “A kind man benefits himself”—which means that there is something in kindness for you! Treating people with kindness keeps our hearts and attitudes running in the right direction.
Planning to be kind gets you out of the what will they do for me world and gets your heart in tune with what can I do for them? Intentional acts of kindness train our hearts to be loving and helpful, which is really a big benefit!
Acts of kindness to others bless us with the privilege of better friendships and more fulfilling relationships. And, most importantly, kindness will make us a lot like Jesus, who was kind to you all the way to the cross! Believe me, becoming like Jesus is a huge return on the investment.
Before you get concerned that you don’t have time to be kind, remember that kindness doesn’t always have to be a major event. It doesn’t take a lot of time to hold the door open for the mom with her arms full, or to smile at a senior citizen as you pass by on the sidewalk or toss few coins to a pan handler. This is what Jesus taught us. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Eph.4:32)
Best summer wishes,
Your friend and pastor,
Rev. Samuel King-Kabu
Web Page prepared by:
Roger Kenner & Jette Blair.
Content-New Topics Last Updated: 2016/07/08
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal