Saint Ansgar's Lutheran Church
Montreal - Quebec - Canada

Our Prayers

In our special prayers this week are:
  • Our brothers and sisters in the mission field, and the pastors and church workers of all congregations in our community, our country and the world, that God sustain them with His strength, grace and mercy.
  • Our prayers are with the pastors and church workers of all congregations in our community and country, that God may sustain them with His strength, grace and mercy.
  • Let us pray for the recovery of all the flood victims across our province and in nearby Ontario. May God help them in their recover.
  • Our prayers are with the families and victims of the recent random and senseless violence in Quebec City. Amid the ongoing news of war and conflict in the Middle East, let us not forget our Coptic, Assyrian and other Christian brethren that region. Let us pray for all displaced and threatened persons, of whatever faith. We pray for an end to the civil war in Syria and of the ravages of ISIS in the region.
  • Our prayers are also with the McFarlanes, Iris, Massiah, Inge, Rita, Merceda Schmidt (Linda's sister) , Rita S., another Rita S.,Julie W., Josette S., Janet K., Audrey R., Dini B., Tabita W., Mary F., Shirley W., Elwood B. and the Bourgaize family, Michele S.(Madelene's sister-in-law), Tony B., Bob & Ann J. and Lorenz L., who are ill, recovering from illness, recovering from a loss or in pastoral care.

May the Healing Hands of God reach out and grant strength, recovery and comfort to all for whom we pray.




Web Page maintained by Roger Kenner and Jette Blair.
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal: Last Updated: 2025/01/31