Saint Ansgar's Lutheran Church
Montreal - Quebec - Canada

What's New to this Web Page?


  • What's New?
  • It has been a long time since a new photo-essay was added to this web page. Photos from our recent, and very successful, Fall "Welcome Back" BBQ have now been posted. [Click Here] for the direct link. Or follow the menu across the top: Life & Events -> 2011-2018 -> 2018 -> Fall Bar-B-Q. Other interesting photo-essays can be found by exploring the Life & Events pages in the menu. Hopefully more photos can be added soon!
  • Beginning in May of 2014, the Eastern Synod began publishing its Newsletter only on-line. Copies of these Newsletters are now available on the Lutheran Links page.
  • Some new Historical Photos have been located. Have look. Maybe you have some information, or at least they will bring back memories. Check out Other Historical Photos.
    --A Confirmation Bulletin from 1983 has been added to the Photos-6 page.
    --A 1982 picture of Pastor & Mrs. Beck has been added to the Photos-1 page.
    --See newly posted pictures of a Visit to the Organ Factory (1988) and the Dedication of the New Organ (1989) page.

  • As It Happened, the history of the former Anglican parish of Saint-Columba, whence have recently come a large number of our members, has been scanned and offered for free distribution. This book was written by members of that congregation in 1982 and spans the years since 1907.

  • We have built a totally new web page! It is not finished! We have been working on it for a year and a half and it has existed in parallel to the old one for nearly a year. The time has come to take the plunge! It may take a little while to get used to the new layout, but I hope you will all, after a while, find it to be much more friendly.

    The new page has been designed to also welcome those who are not yet members or friends of our congregation, by providing information on the Christian message and the Lutheran movement, as well as welcoming them to St. Ansgar's. The second column of the top-level menu, entitled "Who are We?" is a list of almost entirely new pages. Of special interest to newcomers is a full description of our typical liturgy.

    The new design will allow for a much faster turnaround in posting pictures from Church events, and will eventually make the navigation of our ten+ years of images easier. (You are invited to explore the theme page for 2013 events. As time permits, similar pages will be created for those events which took place over the last ten years.

    In the meantime, nothing has been lost! The entire former site is still available, but it will no longer be updated. It will remain available until all of the material on the former site has been moved over to the new one.

    (Click on Image to Access)
    The Former Site



    Web Page maintained by Roger Kenner and Jette Blair.
    St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal: Last Updated: 2025/03/09