Saint Ansgar's Lutheran Church
Montreal - Quebec - Canada

Induction of New Members & Dedication of the New Pulpit
Sunday, April 27, 2014

An additional member of the former St. Columba's Anglican Church chose to become a member of our church, as well as a family who have been attending for several years. The pulpit from the former St. Columba's Church has an storied history. We were happy to receive it as a gift from the former parishioners. It took some time to decide how to best integrate it into our sanctuary. The final touches, including new steps and handrail, were finally completed by a friend of the congregation, M. André Constantin. We thank the anonymous doners who provided funds for the project.. The pastor did not want to preach from the pulpit until it had been properly dedicated to our space.

Receiving New Members

(Chairperson): Pastor, Our sisters and brothers have come to us and desire to make St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church their place of worship and to publicly affirmation of their Baptism.

Photo by Jette Blair


(Pastor): Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, we rejoice to receive you, members of the one holy, Christian and apostolic Church, into our fellowship in the Gospel...

Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


We welcome Dini and Shobana and Anand and their children to our family.

Photo by Jette Blair


Dedication of the Pulpit

Photo by Jette Blair


The pulpit from St. Columba church

On April 27, 2014, we dedicated the beautiful historic pulpit that came to us from St. Columba church, which was closed in 2012. (The St. Columba cornerstone was laid in 1907 and the church opened in March 1908.)

The pulpit was erected as a thanks-offering by Albert Cliffe on May 28, 1950. The pulpit railing was donated in memory of Private Kenneth MacKay, 73rd RHC (Royal Highlanders of Canada), who died at age 18 on April 20th 1917 in the battle of Vimy Ridge.

In August 1969, while a Polish congregation was renting space from St. Columba, they had a visit from Karol Wojtyla, the catholic bishop of Cracow, (and who later became Pope John-Paul II). It is likely the only protestant church in Montreal to receive a visit from a future pope. He would have used this pulpit when he gave his sermon during this visit.

St. Columba Church, was closed in 2012, leaving many unhappy parishioners. Some of these people have made St. Ansgar’s Church their church home since then. (A Jewish congregation, Chabad NDG has since purchased the church property.)

Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


Litany Dedication of Pulpit

Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


Through the ages, Almighty God has moved his people to build houses of prayer and praise, and to set apart places for the ministry of his holy Word and Sacraments. With gratitude for the building of St. Ansgar Lutheran Church, and with a generous gift from the former Church of St. Columba Anglican Church, we are now gathered to dedicate this Pulpit in God's holy name.

Let us pray:
Almighty God, we thank you for making us in your image, to share in the ordering of your world. Receive the work of our hands in this place, now to be set apart for your worship, the building up of the living, and the remembrance of the dead, to the praise and glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Leader: What is this place?
People: Only a building, but when we gather here, God's name is praised.

Leader: What are these things?
People: Only wood and nails, but in this place they serve us as we praise God's name.

Leader: We dedicate this Pulpit to the proclaiming of God's word, in Scripture and preaching, in poetry and song, in sharing and prayer.
People: May we, too, be instruments that proclaim your word, O God, with our mouths and with our lives.

Leader: We dedicate this Pulpit to engaging with God's word, in sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, as we share the Lord's Supper, light the light of Christ, or contemplate a work of art.
People: May we always seek to engage with your word, O God, as we ask questions, exercise creativity, and wonder at your mysteries.

Leader: We dedicate this Pulpit to our living of God's word, as we go from here inspired, challenged, comforted, or wondering, as we remain on the look-out for God's presence in every place we go.
People: May we remember that as you call us, 0 God, you send us. As we are called to this place, it is to be sent out again, to proclaim your word with our lives, to engage your word with our minds and hearts, and to live your word with our whole selves.

Leader: Father, in every age you have spoken through the voices of prophets, pastors, and teachers. Purify the lives and the lips of those who speak here, that your word only may be proclaimed, and your word only may be heard. Your word is a lamp to our feet.
People: And a light upon our path.

Leader: We dedicate this Pulpit in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, make this a temple of your presence and a house of prayer. Be always near us when we seek you in this place. Draw us to you, when we come alone and when we come with others, to find comfort and wisdom, to be supported and strengthened, to rejoice and give thanks.

May it be here, 0 Lord God; that we are made one with you and with one another, so that our lives are sustained and sanctified for your service.
People: Amen.

Samuel Preaching from the New Pulpit

Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


The Service Continues...
Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


Photo by Jette Blair


Web Page maintained by Roger Kenner and Jette Blair.
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal: Last Updated: 2025/03/09