Saint Ansgar's Lutheran Church
Montreal - Quebec - Canada

The Annual Spring Luncheon & A Tribute to Rosa
Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Annual Spring Luncheon, organized by the Danish Ladies Aid (DLA) is one of our major fund-raisers. It is always nearly sold-out, but this year it was especially so, as it served as a tribute and farewell to longtime member, Rosa Chirstensen.

Poster by Jette Blair
[See Full-Sized Poster (Pdf)]


(Photo by Jette Blair)
The Hall is Full!


(Photo by Jette Blair)
A Family Table


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Roger, Krista, Brian, Rosemarie and Others


(Photo by Jette Blair)


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Karen, Ellen, Euclide and Others


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Robert, Joanna, Ann, Bob and Others


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Thomas and Rosa and Others


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Ingrid, Sheena, Linda and Riley


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Samuel, Rolph, Robert, Ann and Bob


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Natalia, Henrik, Anne and Others


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Pastor Samuel Addresses the Hall


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Listening to Krista from Afar


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Listening to Krista from Afar


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Kirsta Reads Greetings


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Kren Offers his Remarks


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Peter Offers his Remarks; Lone & Rosa Listen


(Photo by Jette Blair)
David Franklin Offers his Remarks


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Knud Offers his Remarks


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Knud Offers his Remarks


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Bettina Reads Greetings to Rosa


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Listening to Hanne from Afar


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Thomas, Linda and Peter Get Ready


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Thomas Sings Rosa's Favourites


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Listening to Ellen from Afar


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Ellen Leads All in Danish Song


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Maren Sings for Rosa


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Roses for Rosa!


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Roses for Rosa!


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Rosa is Congratulated by All


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Rosa is Congratulated by Victoria


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Rosa Cut her Cake


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Mange Tak, Rosa!


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Desserts are Served Up by Victoria


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Victoria Serves Dessert to Rosa, Ellen, Ben and Riley


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Knud, Iggy and LInda


Rosa's Gift

A collection was taken to order a special gift for Rosa, made by Ann, who makes hand-made, custom jewelry. Unfortunately, the piece was not ready in time for the luncheon, so it was presented to Rosa during church service soon afterwards.

(Photo by Jette Blair)
Ann Reccounts Tale of the Gift


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Ann Presents Gift to Rosa


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Samuel Takes the Bag to Hand to Rosa


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Rosa Opens the Gift


(Photo by Jette Blair)
Rosa is Smiling


(Photo by Jette Blair)
The Custom Made Pendant


Web Page maintained by Roger Kenner and Jette Blair.
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal: Last Updated: 2025/03/09