Saint Ansgar's Lutheran Church
Montreal - Quebec - Canada

St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church
1987 - 1997

by Ms. Eli Ross Jensen, 1997

[Click Here] to see some of Eli's photos from this period.

Editor's Note This material was first given to me in 1997, so that it could be formatted for presentation on the Web. I must apologize that it took so long to bring the late Ms. Ross-Jensen's observations to everyone, but I hope that you will find the walk down Memory Lane to be interesting.

St. Ansgar's has over the years been fortunate to have many members with musical talents. When council in early 1987 learned that our faithful member, Marinus Christiansen, had willed the sum of $20,000.00 to St. Ansgar's, a number of music enthusiasts suggested that we explore the possibility of acquiring a pipe organ to replace our electric organ.

Paul Pedersen, Linda Tae, Ruth Stoltzfus and Bo Alphonce formed a search committee. Thanks to the committee's hard work and the financial support of many members, it was decided March 27, 1988 to engage organ builder, Karl Wilhelm Inc. to build the first stage of the organ with 8 stops for $57,000.00. Total cost of the installed organ, in the Spring of 1989, was $76,000.00. Eventually 4 more stops, Tremolo and Siffloete, were added.. Earlier our congregation was invited to tour the organ workshop in Mt.St.Hilaire and see our almost finished organ.

Besides commitments to the organ fund, the congregation was trying to fulfill their obligation to "Forward in Mission".

Rev. Gunther Dahle led a one day seminar for the council emphasizing council duties. A recurring theme was Stewardship and Visitation, later proposed by council to be implemented

During the Fall there were rumors that perhaps Pastor Holobow soon would retire. That sad reality came to light at the annual meeting January 31, 1988, the final retirement date to be June same year. At the same meeting, president Emil Haltiner, announced that he had to step down due to his sabbatical leave.

The new council with Ingrid Lavergne elected chairperson soon got down to business. A call committee was elected in February and met with Bishop Huras.

On April 16, 1989 the inauguration of the new organ took place in the format of the "Service of Light" with organists Bo Alphonce and Ruth Stoltzfus magnificently displaying the intricate sounds of organ pipes. A memorial plaque with 30 names is placed on the organ.

The call committee did not waste any time. The last Sunday in April a young pastor, Rev. Derk Michael Strauch from New York, was presented to the congregation and preached the sermon. A Call was sent to Pastor Strauch June 7. 1989. It was a general feeling that a younger man was needed to minister to the younger generation in the congregation

Pastor Holobow and his wife, Marian, were indeed celebrated at their fare-well party June 25, 1989. The years of their ministry to St.Ansgar's had been marked with warm friendship, much sharing and a feeling of belonging. As one of the songs written for the occasion by Svend Berg indicated, "Marty is a mediator". And who can ever forget the adults' attention to Marty's sermonettes for the children.

The last communion service conducted by Pastor Holobow was at the picnic in Newaygo in August 1989.

With Pastor Holobow retiring so did Mrs. Holobow. Marian had been the choir director, and her excellent musical talent was surely enjoyed by choir members, as well as congregation. She did have trouble at times with one choir member, namely Marty, who loved to improvise and thump his feet in rhythm with the organ. Marian was also very supportive of DLA and ELW. She was president of the latter prior to retirement.

During Pastor Holobow's time we were privileged to have a secretary, who could type stencils and run a gestetner. Anni Zarudska was a faithful secretary during the Holobow era, but already prior to her departure the council was looking into buying a photo copier, and during that Fall we entered into the computer age.

During the Summer of 1989 Pastors Matti Terho, Bruce Heggen and McKinley served us as interim pastors

Pastor Strauch accepted our call and arrived in Montreal August 18, 1989. His first home visit was to Rigmor Brandt, who had just come home from the hospital.

Pastor Strauch's installation service took place November 12. The Tinneys from his former congregation participated in the service. Pastor Gunther Dahle from Synod office conducted the installation service.

A new era had begun for St. Ansgar's. Pastor Strauch in his first year report to the annual meeting suggested a Shepherding Program as well as Long Range planning.

Early in the new year the council prepared questionnaires for long range planning to gather input from members. However, on April 11, 1990, just prior to Maudy Thursday, the church was vandalized early in the morning. Fire extinguishers had been emptied on everything from organ, pews, floors in the hall as well as office and rooms downstairs. The paschal candle, the model ship in the nave and the typewriter had all been damaged, as well as all returned Long Range questionnaires.

During Pastor Strauch early ministry the Sacramental Practice was studied. The recommendations of the study was presented to the congregation, and it was agreed that children could partake in communion, and that the Lord's Supper should be served at every service and not twice a month, as was the practice.

Sunday school with approximately 22 - 25 children, was held during the service for the younger Children, and at 10 AM., prior to the service then at 11 A.M., for the older children. A number of different curriculums were tried.

The young people, 14 - 18, had a very active group. They participated in music, choir, bazaars and youth conventions. Part of their program was fund raising to enable them to send delegates to Synodical as well as National conventions. Under the leadership of Hanne Armstrong they initiated Sunrise Services Easter morning, all well attended by the congregation

During Pastor Strauch's ministry the Vigil service held Easter Saturday and the by-monthly Vespers services became part of regular events. Thanks to our organist Bo Alphonce and our choir director, Nancy Corwin, a splendid music program was put in place, which resulted in many quality organ recitals, professional choir concerts, and not to be forgotten, Maren Miller Nelson's many solo performances.

For many years the Norwegian Seamen's Church had been serving the Norwegian sailors, who arrived in Montreal harbour. However, in 1993 it became clear that it no longer was feasible to keep a church in Montreal, and Norway decided to reduce its support. After numerous meeting and negotiations with other Lutheran churches, Pastor Strauch, Pastor Aanonson together with the councils of St. Ansgar's and the Seamen's Church agreed to share facilities at St. Ansgar's, and so make it possible for the Norwegians to sell their church. The final service in the Norwegian Seamen's Church took place May 29, 1994. St. Ansgar's was offered much of the inventory, chairs, tables, freezer, computer, model of Bluenose and wall hangings. A few of the Norwegians became members of St. Ansgar's and were welcomed into the congregation in November 1994. Kirkeringen, the Norwegian Ladies Aid, furnished room I downstairs. A cozy sitting room to be available to other groups.

It should be noted that for a number of years the Norwegian Seaman's Church and St. Ansgar's were neighbours, both located on Dorchester Boulevard, and thus the friendship between the to churches had been established years ago.

On June 12, 1994 the Thirtieth Anniversary of the dedication of the present church was celebrated. Bishop William Huras preached the sermon, and following the prayer of the church, he consecrated our new alter.

The altar was given in memory of Aage and Bodil Jepsen by their children, Elisabeth Langer, Bente Fogh and Anders Jepsen. The new communion rail was donated by Elga Smidt in memory of her parents Elza and Gustaus Blachins.

All the work was done by Thomas Thomsen, and as a gift he refinished the pulpit.

At September 18, 1994 our former Pastor, Fred Jensen, came to visit St. Ansgar's. He is the son of our first Pastor. Dr. John M. Jensen, who in his testament had set aside a certain fund for the Lutheran Church. His children, Margaret, Ronald and Fred. felt that part of the fund should be given to St. Ansgar's being the parish that their father had started.

It was with joy and thanksgiving that members from Pastor Fred Jensen's time (1959-1965) received a cheque for $10,000.00 US on behalf of the congregation.

Later during the Fall of 1994 a gift of $15,000.00 was received from the estate of John Bruhn, a faithful member and choir member for many years. $2,000.00 could be used for any good purpose, and the balance $13,000.00 to be an endowments fund with the proceed going to youth work.

Following the bazaar in 1994 the DLA set aside a certain amount of their income for the purpose of doing some renovation in the kitchen. They brought their concerns to the annual meeting in January 1995. The DLA was asked to bring their proposal, plan etc. to the council. Even if it was cold Winter, it did not take long before the kitchen renovation committee had put fire under all able-bodied members. Architect Peter Schonning redesigned not only the kitchen, but the whole stage area with storage rooms and a bathroom, the latter a much needed convenience for the elderly.

Many groups and individuals contributed to the renovation, the Norwegians, the Swedes, part of John Bruhn's and John M. Jensen's memorial gifts plus memorial funds on hand. A commercial dish washer was donated by some members.

By the time the Montessori School started in September the renovations were finished, and a bright new kitchen was ready to be initiated for that year's bazaar.

The real motor behind this project was without a doubt Rosa Christensen. Her enthusiasm for the bazaar over the years, and the need for better working conditions in the kitchen, proved to be a real blessing for all who use the kitchen.

Since 1986 when the NDG Food Bank was established, churches in the area including St. Ansgar's have been supportive with financial help and food collection. Unfortunately the number of people needing the food bank have increased dramatically. Instead of being a temporary solution in the eightieth, the food bank has become a permanent institution in the ninetieth. Yearly financial contributions have been in our budgets for a number of years, and there has been generous contributions to the food barrel in the Beck Hall.

In 1996 one of the members of the Board of Outreach and Evangelism, Jorgen Rohman, initiated a monthly lunch program at the food bank depot. 625 lunches were made up and served over the year by Jorgen and Sigrid with financial support by many members.

As we approach the end of the anniversary year, the congregation will try a once a month Soup Sunday, following church service, for needy families in our community

An ongoing outreach to Canadian Lutheran World relief, World Mission and Canadian Mission is sponsored by DLA and ELW with support of the congregation.

More than 150 "Messengers", our monthly newsletter, are sent to members past and present with information of programs and events taking place in St. Ansgar's.

The ministry through the Messenger is thanks to the effort of a number of editors of whom the longest serving was Minna Golding. For some time Pastor Strauch was the editor followed by Maren Nelson Miller, Hanne Armstrong and presently Conway Jocks in collaboration with Jette Blair

1996 was not an easy year for either council, pastor and congregation. There was friction in all sectors of the church, and Pastor Strauch decided to step down in the month of October. This following negotiations, interviews and the involvement of the Bishop's office. With the unplanned pastoral vacancy the council, less three members, was faced with finding pastors to fill in during November and December. Thanks to Pastors Matti Terho, Rasma Caune and Thomas Zumbrock the word of God was preached every Sunday.

In December 1996 Pastor Zumbrock agreed to become our interim pastor, and was duly appointed by the Bishop for a term of three months, which later was extended to a year.

We are grateful for Pastor Zumbrock's ministry. He has helped us continue programs already in place, like Vesper Services and the once a month mid-week service followed by lunch for our seniors, as well as our weekly bible study.

In this our 70th. anniversary year we give praise and thanks to God for our past and present pastors and for every person, who in one way or another, has supported the ministry of St. Ansgar's.

The sole reason for any church to exist is the same now, as it was for those charter members seventy years ago: namely to proclaim the Gospel of the triune God, who alone can give meaning to life.

With God as our captain we pray that He will guide the congregation through the sometimes turbulent waters that are challenging the Christian Church today. We are called to witness, and we ask God to help us.


Presidents during 1987-1997
Emil Haltiner Jan.1987 - Jan.1989
Ingrid Lavergne Jan.1989 June 1992
Ron Lett June 1992 Nov.1994
Emil Haltiner Nov.1994 Dec.1995
Denis St.Onge Dec. 1995 Oct. 1996.
Eli Ross-Jensen Oct. 1996 Jan. 1997
Henning Ross-Jensen Jan. 1997 present


Web Page maintained by Roger Kenner and Jette Blair.
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal: Last Updated: 2025/01/31