Saint Ansgar's Lutheran Church
Montreal - Quebec - Canada

As It Happened

History of St. Columba's Anglican Church

The parish of Saint Columba Anglican Church was in N.D.G well before St. Ansgar's. Unfortunately, the parish was closed in 2012. Many of the former parishioners of St. Columba now attend St. Ansgar's, and so their history is, in a sense, our history. This historical book was put together by the congregation in 1982. This book has been out of print for some time, and it was the consensus of a number of the former members of St. Columba that it be scanned and offered via our web site for free distribution.

The booklet as been scanned in PDF format. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to read these files . Since the files are very large, the book has been scanned in sections. You may download and read each section separately, or you may download the entire book as one file. The files come from a remote server, which is not monitored. Should the links fail, contact the webmaster, who will look into the problem.

Section View File Size Pages
Click on the Pdf Icon to View the File
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Part 01 1.7mb Pages 1-10
Part 02 2mb Pages 11-20
Part 03 2.2mb Pages 21-30
Part 04 1.8mb Pages 31-40
Part 05 2.1mb Pages 41-50
Part 06 2.3mb Pages 51-60
Part 07 2mb Pages 61-70
Part 08 2mb Pages 71-80
Part 09 1.3mb Pages 81-90
Part 10 1mb Pages 91-102
All 19.4mb Pages Cover-103

The booklet resolution was reduced to 96dpi, in order to make smaller files. All the images, however, were also saved at the original 300dpi, should you wish to see them in larger view.

Section View File Size Page
Click on the Pdf Icon to View the File
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Front Cover 0.8mb Cover
Sanctuary 1920-1952 0.4mb Page 5
First Church 0.5mb Page 7
Rev. Osborne 1.2mb Page 8
Chancel of First Church 1.1mb Page 10
Rev. Scott 0.3mb Page 15
Parish Hall 0.4mb Page 16
Rev. Peterson 0.6mb Page 20
Sanctuary Drawing 1937 0.6mb Page 24
Rev. Dann 0.5mb Page 30
Chancel 1982 1mb Page 32
Rev. Slattery 0.5mb Page 35
Vestments/Procession 0.5mb Page 37
Rev. Hannen 0.3mb Page 40
Chapel 1982 1.3mb Page 43
Sanctuary 1982 1mb Page 53
Cardinal Karol Wojtyla 0.3mb Page 55
Communion Vessels 1mb Page 61
Children's Corner 0.2mb Page 68
War Memorial 0.6mb Page 85

Web Page maintained by Roger Kenner and Jette Blair.
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal: Last Updated: 2024/06/30