Saint Ansgar's Lutheran Church
Montreal - Quebec - Canada

St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal
Historical Images & Documents - 6

These photos were provided by Linda Tae. We can assume all (or nearly all) the photos are taken by the Holobows or with their camera. These photos were given to Linda Tae by Marian Holobow. Subsequent to the initial posting of these photos, Jette Blair, together with Henrik Langer, have provided information on a number of the photos. If you have anything to add, please write to me. Each photo is numbered, to make it easier for you to write me at with the information.

Also, the original scans of these photos are in fairly high resolution. This allows me to pull up close-up shots of various people, on demand. If you have any requests for these closeups, let me know (You must be a member or friend of the Saint-Ansgar's community).

Event: Preparation for ELW convention at McGill in July 1983. Meeting at St. Ansgar’s (July 8-10, 1983)

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 1:
back row – from left: Rigmor Brandt, Susan Smidt
middle row: Georgina Cassels, Janet Basdeo, Ingrid Holm, Sigrid Rohmann, Kamma Montpetit, ?, Camilla Clausen, Gerda England, Sophie Jepsen, Madelene Sebaldt (peeking out behind Sophie and Marian), Marian Holobow, Jette Blair with Erik, Maren Nelson (peeking out behind Jette and Ermine), ?, Ermine Campbell.
Front row, sitting: Eli Ross-Jensen, Elisabeth Langer


(Photo by ??)
Example of Closeup:
A couple of well-known members
of our community


(Photo by ??)
Photo # 18:
Everyone standing – from left: Janet Basdeo, Georgina Cassels, Sigrid Rohmann, Kamma Montpetit, Gerda England, Maren Nelson, Camilla Clausen, Marian Holobow, ?, Sophie Jepsen, Ermine Campbell, ?, ?, Jette Blair with Erik, Ingrid Holm, Susan Smidt, ?.
Sitting: Eli Ross-Jensen, Elisabeth Langer.


Event: A Church Picnic (When? Where?)

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 2:
Jorgen Rohmann and Aage Jepsen (standing), Minna Golding (sitting), ?.


(Photo by ??)
Photo # 7:
Lady standing at far right: Vonna Bruun. Others not identified as yet. (Possibly Minna Golding is in sleeveless pinkish dress at the top near centre left.)


(Photo by ??)
Photo # 8:
In back: ?, Julius Bruun, Victor Barmer, Aage Jepsen In front: Bodil Jepsen


(Photo by ??)
Photo # 9:
Standing in background near the left: Julius Bruun with son, Otto. Jorgen Rohmann in red T-shirt and navy baseball cap. Others not identified as yet.


Event ??

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 3:
Sitting from left: Paul Pedersen, Jean Pedersen, Eli Ross-Jensen, Henning Ross-Jensen. Other people unknown.


At the Norwegian Church in the East end: Event?, Date?

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 4:
Only Marian Holobow is identified so far.


Event ??

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 5:
Pr. Marty Holobow and Marian Holobow, among others


Event: Confirmation Party (May 17, 1983, at the Holobow's residence.)

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 6:
Back row: Adam Bruun, ?, Andrew Diem?
Second row from back: Vivian Skovsbo, Heidi Bruun, Peter Skovsbo, Steven Bourgeois, Andrew Pedersen
Behind Holobows: Kaarin Tae, Otto Bruun
Sitting: Pr. Marty Holobow, Marian Holobow


(Photo by ??)
Writing on back of Photo # 6


Click on Small Images to See Full-Sized (Provided by Linda Tae)
Confirmation Bulletin of May 22, 1983


At Saint-Ansgar's (5 June, 1982): Occasion?

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 10:
Standing: Maren Nelson, Andy Andersen, Susan Smidt, Henry Langer, Elisabeth Langer, Victor Barmer, Marian Holobow.
Crouching in front: Dorothy Andersen.


(Photo by ??)
Writing on back of Photo # 10


At the residence of Pastor Vilhelm and Marie Beck on Marcil avenue (between NDG Avenue and Monkland). Occasion: wedding anniversary?(6 June, 1982)

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 11:
Standing, from left: Rigmor Brandt, Ellen Signe McLean (daughter of Pr. and Mrs. Beck), Pastor Vilhelm Beck, ?, Gudrun Brandt.
Sitting: Mrs. Marie Beck.


(Photo by ??)
Writing on back of Photo # 11


(Photo by ??)
Photo # 12: Pastor Vilhelm and Marie Beck.


Outside St. Ansgar’s (possibly Spring Cleaning day?) (Year?)

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 13:
Back row: ?, ?, Henning Ross-Jensen.
2nd row from back: Elisabeth Langer, Rigmor Brandt, Camilla Clausen.
Under church sign: Henry Langer, Ingrid Holm, John Smidt.
To the right of church sign: Poul Holm, Marinus Christiansen and Andy Andersen (sitting on back of truck).
Behind Kamma and Marty - ?
Front row: Kamma Montpetit, Pr. Marty Holobow, Jette Blair.


Photo from Langer’s cottage at Lake Newaygo (Year?)

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 14:
Standing: Marian Holobow, Henry Langer
Clockwise around table: Eric Kristensen, ?, Henning Ross-Jensen, Elisabeth Langer, Eli Ross-Jensen, Kris Kristensen.


In the Jepsen garden in Ville Saint-Laurent (Year?)

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 15: Bodil Jepsen in her garden in St. Laurent


(Photo by ??)
Photo # 16: Aage Jepsen in his garden in St. Laurent.


St. Ansgar’s Church at Christmas time. Year?

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 17


St. Ansgar’s Church: Event ?? (Oct 30, 1987)

(Photo by ??)
Photo # 19: Victor Barmer and Ingrid Lavergne


(Photo by ??)
Writing on back of Photo # 19


Web Page maintained by Roger Kenner and Jette Blair.
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal: Last Updated: 2025/03/09