Saint Ansgar's Lutheran Church
Montreal - Quebec - Canada

St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal
Recent Historical Images

Here are some photos of interest from the not-so-distant past, around the end of 1997 and beginning of 1998. The photos appear without captions, but I am sure those in the St. Ansgar's community will recognize familiar faces.

Photos from the Fall Bazaar of 1997

(Photographer Unknown: Could have been Eli Ross-Jensen)

(Photographer Unknown: Could have been Eli Ross-Jensen)

(Photographer Unknown: Could have been Eli Ross-Jensen)

Photos from Ice Storm Sunday: January 1998

On the Sunday at the end of the first week of the Ice Storm Crisis, a dedicated few showed up for Sunday Worship. We occupied only one pew, but we went ahead anyway with a Service of the Word.

(Photographer Unknown: Could have been Eli Ross-Jensen)

We then gathered for coffee in Beck Hall

(Photographer Unknown: Could have been Eli Ross-Jensen)
Ice Storm Sunday - January 1998

(Photographer Unknown: Could have been Eli Ross-Jensen)

Outgoing Church Council: 1998

The outgoing Church Council gathered for a group photo at their last meeting

(Photographer Unknown: Could have been Eli Ross-Jensen)

Photos from the Annual General Meeting of 1998

(Photographer Unknown: Could have been Eli Ross-Jensen)

Web Page maintained by Roger Kenner and Jette Blair.
St. Ansgar's Lutheran Church - Montreal: Last Updated: 2025/01/31